This web site is translated and created by Yuuki Kitada, Mika Kishimoto, Kanako & Taku Tajiri, Kenichiro Mito, Masumi Saito, Yuki Hayasaki, Kay Williams, Marilyn Yuki, Shinobu Kadokura and TS.

The charity exibit is over.
Every day many people came and it was a great success.
Thank you very much!


August 11, 2010 08:32 Feels Good!

Hey, I got my head shaven!
Whew, it feels good.  Now I don't have to worry about all the falling hairs!
I think I look better than when I was 20 and had my head shaven.  Masao-san said I looked good and I'm not bragging but the shape of my head is pretty...
And one more thing, the IV line and oxygen tube that I had ever since I was hospitalized here were finally removed.
I'm happy I'm not tied up anymore!
When I had it was a bit of a hassle to go even to the toilet and was a minor bugger I have to get anti-biotics 3 times a day for half an hour everytime, but that's okay.
Yesterday Masao-san brought me broiled salted "ayu" It's my favorite fish and the salted broil is one of my favorites.  The first ayu this year was delicious! If I have the salted ayu, I don't need any other food....I dream of having wild ayu on a stick and pig-out on it.
The treatment plan is to take a CT scan with contrast agents and see whether the blood clot has disappeared and whether the anti-cancer drug are working and judge whether to use the same anti-cancer drugs or use the new drug.  However, to use the new drug the drug company apparently requires 28 days to lapse since the last day of anti-cancer drug use and the doctors are now negotiating whether such rule can be relaxed.
In general it seems that anti-cancer drugs only work on 40% of cancer and even if effective the cancer will only reduce to about half its size, but the new drug is expected to work on 80% and the size should be significantly smaller; it's also a pill, so there's no need for hospitalization.
Of course, there's the potential for a host of side effects, but I'm expecting great things from it.
P.S. Thank you for many comments to yesterday's diary.  It made me cry a lot.  Maro will live to the max!

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