This web site is translated and created by Yuuki Kitada, Mika Kishimoto, Kanako & Taku Tajiri, Kenichiro Mito, Masumi Saito, Yuki Hayasaki, Kay Williams, Marilyn Yuki, Shinobu Kadokura and TS.

The charity exibit is over.
Every day many people came and it was a great success.
Thank you very much!


August 13, 2010 09:41 Washing the Lungs (another report follows)

The doctor had told me that the high fever that comes every day was probably the effect of the fluids in my lungs and they took some fluids from my lungs yesterday and if the fluids were due to cancer, the cancer would have spread more. Yesterday the doctor took a brief look with the microscopes and there were only bacteria.  No detailed results have arrived yet.
I get nervous at every tests.  I'm fighting hard, but fear how many times I will be let down.  How many times do I have to get up from the very bottom?  What did I do to deserve this?
It's not decided yet, but they might put a tube in my lungs and take the fluid out and wash out the lungs where the fluids had been.  I'm taking blood thinners now so my blood is thin = no blood clotting = blood won't stop bleeding, so they have to have a surgeon take care of it.
I was so scared of the needle through my back, and the thought of tubes in my lungs..I'd faint at even the thought of it.
But if I get this treatment, I won't have the high fever so I'll do it.  Today my mom was planning to bring Yukuri along but since this operation was scheduled it was put on hold...Yuku-chan mommy will keep up the fight
(The photo was taken with Yukuri's friend's mother)
P.S.:  The doctor from the surgery department came and it was decided to put the tube in today.  And only local anesthetic will be used.  Someone who had an operation, tell me how to relax

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