This web site is translated and created by Yuuki Kitada, Mika Kishimoto, Kanako & Taku Tajiri, Kenichiro Mito, Masumi Saito, Yuki Hayasaki, Kay Williams, Marilyn Yuki, Shinobu Kadokura and TS.

The charity exibit is over.
Every day many people came and it was a great success.
Thank you very much!


August 14, 2010 17:43 A tube sticking out of my lung.

I'm relieved that a tube was safely got through from the lung. Now I can see it sticking out of the side and fluid dripping to the machine next to me.  I don't like this clear tube because I can see slightly bloodish fluid..  I can also see how much it is gathered.

Actually, the operation was scheduled yesterday. But after the blood test, the doctor suggested to use an IV with coagulant and they started preparing for it. All those preparations took time and they found out it would be at around 20:00 when the IV finishes.  After that, another blood test would be necessary, pushing the operation to 22:00 by that time the hospital would have been short on staff, it's risky to have the operation at that late time, so it was canceled.  I had a mixture feeling because I had been waiting to be called for the operation all day yesterday with my heart pumping hard!  Give my stable heart beats back!  Anyway, I went to sleep after getting vitamin IV which should give the same effects as the coagulant.

The next day, or today, the blood test turned out ok for a tube.  I had explanations at 10:30 in the morning and was taken to the operation room. I was told that the tube would go to the chest through the rib. To relax, music was allowed so I brought the player and have it placed on the bed near my head. Of course I brought Shakira and I sang to the music trying to put off my attention from the operation.  The doctor used the electrosurgical knife, taking into consideration a risk of non-stop bleeding. I can hear the noise cutting the skin and smell the burning... it was really good that I was with the music I love.  The doctors and staff were all nice. They said "we gave you additional anesthetic as a service" and all the time in a friendly atmosphere.  Nevertheless, it was painful and I was very nervous. I cried with a relief when I called Mom after the operation.  It hurts when I move, the pain will last 2 to 3 days. I cannot even wake up alone. It continues to be difficult until I get used to it.  I will carry this tube for a week or so. Once again I have an attendant. Well, what name I should choose for my new partner.

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