This web site is translated and created by Yuuki Kitada, Mika Kishimoto, Kanako & Taku Tajiri, Kenichiro Mito, Masumi Saito, Yuki Hayasaki, Kay Williams, Marilyn Yuki, Shinobu Kadokura and TS.

The charity exibit is over.
Every day many people came and it was a great success.
Thank you very much!


July 16, 2010 21:33 Today's treatment

Another patient in my floor has been screaming "HELP ME!" many times now. It's very loud!

Oh, now it's quiet.

Today I had my brain CT scanned with the radiocontrast agent this morning. They say it could cause a shock symptom if the radiocontrast agent doesn't match my body. I got a little nervous because I was given a brief instruction and had to sign the agreement before they started using it.
It turned out ok.
Also, I was not supposed to move my head when they use something called cyber knife. So they took the profile of my face and made a mask out of it. They use the mask to keep my face in a fixed position when they give a treatment using cyber knife.

I was told that they look at this CT as well as the MR image they took yesterday to learn more precise condition of my brain before they start giving the radioactive treatment using cyber knife.

According to my doctor-friend Tara, this Kyokutou hospital that I'm in is one of the several hospitals in the country that can perform cyber knife treatment. They also have a pretty good track record. It was worth coming to Okayama just for this; you would have to give a whole brain radiation if they were not capable of cyber knife treatment with which you can give a pinpoint radiation to tumors.

So it was a cyber knife treatment this evening. 30 minute treatment didn't actually feel that long at all as I was covered with the mask they made this morning and listening to my favorite music on the cable radio they played for me. I love music.

I was given a permission to go out during the holidays as the doctors would be gone as well. So I and my family, the 3 of us, will be going out. My mom gave me an order to explain to Yukuri why her mom is not around because she doesn't seem to understand the situation.
How do I explain to her so she understands? What do think? Can you guys give me any advice!? Help me please m(._.)m

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