Why am I posting at such an hour? Well, the anti-nausea IV that I got from yesterday morning didn’t sit well with my body – and I suffered migraine and chest pains – so had it removed and had the doctor come by to see me. Was feeling groggy all day on my side and fell asleep by 9pm so I’m wide awake now. I’m totally craving for somen noodles! I ate yoghurt but it’s not enough!
Yesterday, before the IV I was feeling good. When I’m feeling good, I try to eat at the cafeteria and yesterday met a woman with the same disease.
There aren’t many around my age with this disease after all. It was good to hear all kinds of stories from someone who is going through the same battle and one who has more years of experience in life. I have some painful (though I don’t want to use this word much) side effects waiting for me. Probably will kick in from tomorrow. I already feel a weird sensation on my tongue and can’t eat some food. The doctor has briefed me on this but the reaction depends from person to person so I’ve no idea what kind of side effects I’ll have.
If this diary stops, please think that I’m going through painful side effects. But this phase of side effects is supposed to go away in 2-3 days. And once stabilized, I can even go outside.
But after that, another chemotherapy – seems like the only thing we can do is to keep testing everyday and figuring out which treatment works for my body as we go along. (sigh)
Around noon friends from Shiga, Fukuoka, and Nagoya came. These are easy going buddies of mine so I stayed in bed as we chatted. The friends from Fukuoka and Nagoya friend are ones I met in my days in California. It’s been about 4 years since I last saw them but it didn’t feel like so much time had passed btw us – was really fun. Since I was lying down for a while, I felt better and we went to have a meal at the cafeteria and continued chatting. After that, I went back to bed and they went home. I’m sorry you came all the way to visit and we couldn’t hang out longer because I’m not doing so well. I really wanted to chat for some more.
My sister-in-law said that Yukuri prays for me every morning and every night by the butsudan shrine. I’m going to try my best – and go through this chemotherapy – so I can see Yukuri soon.
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