This web site is translated and created by Yuuki Kitada, Mika Kishimoto, Kanako & Taku Tajiri, Kenichiro Mito, Masumi Saito, Yuki Hayasaki, Kay Williams, Marilyn Yuki, Shinobu Kadokura and TS.

The charity exibit is over.
Every day many people came and it was a great success.
Thank you very much!


July 07, 2010 13:16 I am in the hospital.

I felt safe leaving 15 minutes before 1:00 pm appointment, then I read, “Please come 30 minutes early and complete paper work.”  I went in a hurry and arrived at 1:00 pm. I apologized a lot. However, the doctor was still with patients. “Please wait.” No need to worry.  By 2:00 pm I still waited.  But I had to give up my dream to get lunch by 4:00 pm.

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