This web site is translated and created by Yuuki Kitada, Mika Kishimoto, Kanako & Taku Tajiri, Kenichiro Mito, Masumi Saito, Yuki Hayasaki, Kay Williams, Marilyn Yuki, Shinobu Kadokura and TS.

The charity exibit is over.
Every day many people came and it was a great success.
Thank you very much!


July 25, 2010 07:45 AKB48 & Oasis Okubo

A day passed after the chemo.
I broke a fever of 39 degrees (C) early in the morning but was able to go through chemotherapy by taking some medication to bring down the fever. Thank goodness.
There are many types of lung cancer and I have two of them.  One of them - the small cell lung cancer - is an aggressive type but one that responds well to so I’m hopeful this chemo will help.
The whole program with chemotherapy, anti-nausea medication and side effect reducing medication IV treatment that started in the morning finally ended around 6pm. Phew, that was long.
Meanwhile, maybe I felt everyone’s prayers – I started to feel that things were absolutely going to be okay.

But after all the IVs, I didn’t feel so well anymore so had to lay down.
During the day Masao-san and Tara-chan came to visit so chatting with them helped keep my mind off.
Tara-chan and her husband arranged a contract with a nearby a furnished housing apt so that people who visit me in Okayama can stay there. If anyone is visiting from long distance, and need a place to stay, please contact me via mixi.
Really, Tara-chan, I can’t thank you enough.

They say that you won’t feel the side effects right away but was feeling sick by night.
My stomach is upset even though I took the anti-nausea IV.
The IV included non-drowsy medication so I battled my feeling sick and nausea for about 3 hours.
Tara-chan told me that I hold things in too much and that if I don’t feel well that I need to let the nurses know – so I called the nurse.
Then here we had Nurse Oasis Okubo's arrival.  With the advent of this nurse, I realized that all the other nurses were AKB48.  All those pretty nurses would go “What happened? Is everthing okay?” and take care of me but Nurse Oasis Okubo is like, “So you feel sick? Feel nauseous? We’ve drugs or shots, which one do ya want?”.. really just like the Okubo you see on TV – she even looks like her.

The AKB ones would ask like “Are you okay. Can you drink this?” and help open the medicine.  When you’re feeling ill it’s nice to have that extra care and attention - they’re the type that would say, ”If you’re ever feeling sick again, please call us,” before they leave.

So it’s like rolling the dice when I call the nurse on who I’ll get. (sigh)
If I have any more Nurse Okubo news, I’ll post it.
I feel great today, Maybe the chemo is helping.
Today, friends from Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Shiga are coming.  I have IV all day again so I’ll try to take it easy today. 
I’m thankful again that my condition is stable today.

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